Saturday, October 16, 2010

3D Ministries

So a couple of weeks ago Andy Sikora (from Renew Communities) was telling me about 3D Ministries. An organization started by some of the same folks behind the incarnational revolution happening in Sheffield, UK. They've got a great video about what this new style of church is all about, and you can see it here. (Seriously, click that link and watch that video).

Additionally, they offer the ability to plug your church into their network for all kids of awesome support and education, which is something Andy is considering doing with Renew Communities.  Before he decides, to, though, he's planning to head out to LA for their taster event.  Information for that is on their site here and it looks like a pretty neat experience.

I bring this all up because he suggested I come along.  Surely there'll be interesting things I can learn and apply in the Heights, and I just might want to plug MY organization (or whatever it turns out to be) into 3D Ministries down the road too.
What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. This is Aaron from 3DM ( I don't know why we haven't commented on your blog. This was posted in 2010. We would like to personally thank you for posting. This is encouraging!
